Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Peter Knauth

Address Centro Universitario de la Ciénega (CUCI)
Cell Biology Laboratory

Av. Universidad #1115
Col. Linda Vista
47810, Ocotlán, Jalisco
Bild Dr. Peter Knauth
Telephone +52 (392) 9259400 - 48354
e-mail knauth (at) gmx . de


10/89 – 03/96 Studies of Biology and Chemistry at the Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany
24.9.1992 Vordiplom (Bachelor) in Biology
23.6.1993 Vordiplom (Bachelor) in Chemistry
28.3.1996 Diplom (Master) in Biology
09/96 – 08/99 PhD student at the National Research Centre of Biotechnology (GBF) in Braunschweig, Germany
3.3.2000 Doctor rerum naturalium, Dr. rer. nat.: "Magna cum laude"

Professional expierience

08/94 Practice (separating pigments from Cyanobacteria by HPLC) at the National Research Centre (GKSS) in Geesthacht, Germany
03/95 – 03/96 Diplom Thesis (Master):
Water chemical and biological observations of the 1993 re-arisen shallow lake "Nonnensee" (Rügen) during the vegetation period 1995
04/96 – 08/96
Scientific Assistant in the environmetal project (GOAP) in the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University in Greifswald, Germany, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Conrad
09/96 – 08/99 Scientific Assistant in the National Research Centre of Biotechnology (GBF) in Braunschweig, Germany, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Reichenbach.
Realising the PhD thesis: "Studies on the mode of action of Ambruticin VS-3" (in German)
Dissertation Knauth: 22 MB
01/00 – 12/04 Post doctorate at the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany, at the Institute for Biochemistry under the direction of Prof. Dr. Bohnensack
Research topic: Protein trafficking mediated by the sorting nexin SNX17 
01/05 – 01/06 Researcher Titular "A" at the Research Centre CIATEJ in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Function: applying for research projects the pharmaceutical area
since 02/06 Research Professor Titular "B" at the University Centre of the Ciénega (CUCI), part of the University of Guadalajara.
- Giving lectures in Biochemistry, Astrobiology (Bachelor Pharmacy) and Cell Biology (Master)
- Responsible of the Cell Biology Laboratory



Research activities at CUCI

Projects: 08/21 – 10/21: Responsible for Internship from DAAD/RISE:
Topic: Cellular Effects of Functionalized SPIONs for Magnetic Hyperthermia

08/19 – 07/20: Co-responsible for a research project from SEP/Promep:
Topic: Autofagía, apoptosis o necrosis: efecto de los polisacáridos a Aloe vera en células humanas.

08/19 – 10/19: Responsible for Internship from DAAD/RISE:
Topic: Cytotoxicity of Epazote

11/15 – 10/16: Co-responsible for a research project from SEP/Promep:
Topic: Determinación del efecto antioxidante, fototoxicológico y anti-inflamatorio de productos comerciales de Aloe vera

10/13 – 09/14: Co-responsible for a research project from SEP/Promep:
Topic: Efectos citotóxicos y antimicrobianos de Guamúchil (Pithecellobium dulce)

08/13 – 07/15: Co-responsible for a applied research project from COTACyT:
Topic: Efectos benéficos y toxicológicos de la Sábila (Aloe vera) y de sus productos comerciales elaborados en el estado de Tamaulipas

05/08 – 04/11: Responsible for a basic research project from CONACyT:
Topic: Numb - the missing link in P-selectin internalisation?

Responsability: since 07/2008: Responsible for the Cell Biology Laboratory
Scientific Stays: 10/2010: Different Entities of the European Union in Brussels
Training programme Foncicyt: Collaboration between Mexico and the EU within the 7th Frame Programe

06 – 08/2007: University of Barcelona
Topic: Cloning of an Expression Vector for Rhamnolipids in a Heterologous Host
Formation: - Course on Good Laboratory Practice by GlobalSTD (2018)
- Course on HPLC in Pharmacy (2016)
- Academic Teaching Excellence by the British Council (2015)
- Course on Molecular Diagnostics (2012)

Research activities at CIATEJ

Projects: 07/2005: Accepted project (as participant) by the company "Grupo Integra" and CONACyT (Fondo Economia):
Topic: Implementing a process for making food supplements based on extracts of apricot (Prunus persica) and its commersalisation.
              - finally I could not participate due to my change to the University of Guadalajara -
Responsability: Member of Safety Control in the Division Biotechnology (02/05 – 01/06)
Member of the Safety and Hygiene Commission of the Centre (02/05 – 01/06)
Formation: Course of patents at the Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI)

Research Activities during the Postdoctorate

Objective: Reveal the cell biological function of the sorting nexin 17 (SNX17).
Methods: Molecular biological techniques: cloning, PCR, cDNA synthesis, sequencing, Western blot, yeast two-hybrid interactions, site-directed mutagenesis, siRNA
Cell biological techniques: cell culture, siRNA, fluorescent microscopy (co-localisation), co-immunoprecipitation.
Results: In a yeast-two-hybrid screen SNX17 was discovered by us as an interactor to the inflammation mediator P-selectin. Later on in cell culture studies we discovered a possible role for SNX17 in the endosomal sorting of P-selectin after it is internalised from the cell membrane. Now we want to reveal the influence of SNX17 on the speed of internalisation of P-selectin as well as the influence of a SNX17 knock out via siRNA. For those experiments I designed and constructed the necessary vectors and I did also some cell culture experiments. In two-hybrid studies I revealed that a FERM-like domain of SNX17 acts as the target binding part. By site-directed mutagenesis I could also discover the binding motif of SNX17 in P-selectin.
Projects: 01 – 12/2002: Responsible of a 'Start-up' project for young researchers from the Magdeburger Forschungsverbund (NBL3)
Topic: Which domains and sorting motifs of sorting nexin 17 (SNX17) are responsible for interactions to other proteins?
Responsability: Responsable for Laboratory Safety (01/00 – 10/01)
Principal Investigator (for genetic engineering) (10/01 – 12/04) in the spirit of the German law GenTG and GenTSV
Formation: Course for online search in genetic databases @ NCBI (Entrez, PubMed, GenBank, UniGene, BLAST) and ExPASy (Swiss-Prot, TrEMBL) offered by BioTools

Research activities for the PhD-thesis

Objective: Discover the mode of action of the fungicide ambruticin.
Methods: Metabolic pathways with 14C-labelled precursors (scintillator), composition of lipids (TLC), permeability of the membrane, energy charge of the cell (AEC), analytics of glycerol and sugars (HPLC), cell biological and morphological alterations (e.g. protoplasts, liposomes, microscopy, antagonists).
Results: The search for typical modes of action for antibiotics (like inhibition of DNA, RNA, protein or cell wall synthesis) were unfortunately unsuccessful as was the search for antagonists. Finally I could discover that the cells were getting leaky, the composition of the cell membrane changed and the cells accumulated glycerol. This was a clear hint that ambruticin is disturbing the stress signal cascade while the concrete protein, presumably a protein kinase, could finally not be isolated. A genetic approach was not performed, because the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is resistant against ambruticin.
Formation: Course for 'Responsable for Genetic Engineering' in the spirit of the German law §15(4) GenTSV

Research activities for the Diplom Thesis (Master)

Objective: Classification of the re-arisen shallow lake Nonnensee (Rügen) based on water chemical and biological investigations and proposals for a restoration.
Methods: Organising the sampling, analysing nutrients like PO43-, NO3-, NO2-, Fe, Cl-, SO42-, hardness, pH, DIC, DOC, O2, BOD5, COD, Secchi-depth, chlorophyll, productivity, classification of plancton, 24-h-cycles (temperature, O2, PhAR).
Results: Classification of the lake Nonnensee upon TGL 27.885/01- and OECD-guidelines as "highly eutroph" (polytroph). Unusual for a lake in the Baltic area was that nitrogen was the limiting nutrient and not phosphate. As the most urgent restoration act was supposed to construct a sewage based on helophyts to clean the waste water of a small village, which is entering the Nonnensee.
Formation: Course about 'Risks and Hazards of Chemical Reagents' in the spirit of the German law ChemikalienVerbotsV §5(1)


Last modified: 16.01.2023