Safety in the Laboratory

Safety Instructions

The objective of the Safety Instructions (SI) and Operating Instructions (OI) is to achieve that in the Cell Biology Laboratory the work will be done in a safe manner.
- Laboratory Instructions: Short rules for working in a biological laboratory.
- Safety Instructions: A short review about the hazards and the protective measures for groups of reagents with similar physico-chemical characteristics (SIG) or for certain working areas (SIP).
- Operating Instructions: A short manual how to use some equipment in a correct manner (OI). Working with dangerous reagents it is obligatory to inform yourself about the specific risks of each reagent (e.g. Material Safety Data Sheet, MSDS).
Finally, there are also some other international documents and links respective to laboratory safety.


Instrucciones CBL Instrucciones para CBL Instrucciones ISO 14001 Manual ISO 14001 para IIGM
Instructions Instructions CBL OI Hygiene Plan OI Hygiene Plan_v2.2

Safety Instructions - Groups (SIG)

SI Corrosives SI Corrosives_v2.0 SI Toxics SI Toxics_v2.0
SI Flammable SI Flammable_v2.3 IdG Comburentes_v1.1 IdG Comburentes_v1.1
SI_Solvents SI Solvents_v2.0 IdG Solv Orgánicos Halogenados_v1.1 IdG Solv Orgánicos Halogenados_v1.1

Safety Instructions - Place (SIP)

SI Autoclave SI Autoclave_v2.4 SI CO2_v2.1 SI CO2-cylinder_v2.1
SI Safety Cabinet SI Biol. Safety Cabinet_v2.4 SI Liquid Nitrogen SI Liquid Nitrogen_v2.1
Gel Documentation SI Gel Documentation System_v2.1 SI Gloves SI Gloves_v2.2d

Operating Instructions (OI)

OI Microcentrifuge OI Centrifuge Eppendorf 5415D_v2.1 OI Thermocycler OI Thermocycler Techne TC-3000_v2.1
OI Centrifuge OI Centrifuge Eppendorf 5804R_v2.2 OI Electroporastor OI Electroporator Eppendorf 2510_v2.2
OI MilliQe OI Milli-Q Biocel_v2.1.pdf OI MilliQe OI Photometer Optizen POP_v3.0

Documents of other Institutions

WHO Biosafety Manual, 2004 WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual (3rd ed., 2004)
BMBL, 2007 Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (5th ed., 2007)
WHO Biorisk, 2006 WHO Biorisk management (2006) NAME  
WHO Transport, 2007 WHO Transport Regulations (2007) NAME  

Links to other Institutions

European BioSafety Association: (EBSA)
American Biological Safety Association: (ABSA)


Last modified: 30.09.2015